ConTEXt Group: Articles

ConTeXt Group Journal 2021

Editorial Note
CG Journal 2021, p. 4
4.pdf (32kb)

Day plan
CG Journal 2021, p. 5-6
5-6.pdf (40kb)

Handling fonts in ConTeXt
Willi Egger
CG Journal 2021, p. 7-19
abstract: Obviously when typesetting electronically, we need to have at least one font available for use as base font. Although there are quite a number of fonts delivered with the distribution, often we need to use a custom font. It is not that complicated to use a third­-party font, how­ever one needs to implement it in a structured way in order to make it available to TeX. The following article gives insight into the basic prin­ciples of how this can be done in ConTeXt.
7-19.pdf (113kb)

Macros and Lua snippets
Hans van der Meer
CG Journal 2021, p. 20-32
abstract: Described is a module containing a number of helper macros, many of them programmed in Lua.
20-32.pdf (88kb)

Translations from a vocabulary
Hans van der Meer
CG Journal 2021, p. 33-40
abstract: This module was formerly part of hvdm-xml but has now been split off into an independent module with its own description. It is used for making other modules language­-sensitive and is especially tailored for XML use.
33-40.pdf (658kb)

Automatic suppression of unwanted ligatures
Denis Maier
CG Journal 2021, p. 41-47
41-47.pdf (70kb)

MetaPost paths and pairs
Taco Hoekwater
CG Journal 2021, p. 48-92
abstract: This talk and paper tries to explain everything related to paths, pairs, pens and transforms in MetaPost. A fair bit of familiarity with Meta­Post’s data types and general syntax is assumed. In particular, I as­sume you have read my ‘sparks, tags, suffixes and subscripts’ article.
I will first discuss the creating of paths, followed by the creating of pairs, and then the creating of pens. Finally, I will discuss the opera­tions on those items, for instance, by using transformations.
48-92.pdf (211kb)

Der erweiterte Orbit
Henning Hraban Ramm
CG Journal 2021, p. 93-96
abstract: Das 15. ConTeXt meeting stand unter dem Motto „expanding orbits“ und fand vom 20. bis 25. September 2021 im „Schlösschen“ (’s Sjetootje) von Bassenge­-Boirs (Belgien) statt, einem Dorf zwischen Maastricht und Liège.
93-96.pdf (2545kb)

Meeting Impressions
Harald König, Henning Hraban Ramm
CG Journal 2021, p. 97-99
97-99.pdf (2482kb)

Abstracts without papers
CG Journal 2021, p. 100-102
100-102.pdf (59kb)

Participant list of the 15th ConTeXt meeting
CG Journal 2021, p. 103