ConTEXt Group: Articles

ConTeXt Group Journal 2014

CG Journal 2014, p. 5-6

Exporting XML and EPUB from ConTeXt
Hans Hagen
CG Journal 2014, p. 7-16
7-16.pdf (507kb)

Editing a statistics textbook
Sytse Knypstra
CG Journal 2014, p. 17-18
abstract: Both the 2006 and 2010 editions of a statistics textbook for the Dutch market were edited using Word. The use of Word however had a few drawbacks. Although the publisher had little or no experience with TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt, it was agreed to use ConTeXt for the next edition which has to appear in 2016. Some concern remained however about the continuity of the project if the editing would have to be taken over by someone else. A possible way to alleviate the publisher's concern will be discussed.
17-18.pdf (108kb)

Lua & TeX tokens
Taco Hoekwater
CG Journal 2014, p. 19-20
abstract: LuaTeX has had a token Lua library since the early beginnings, but it was more a proof of concept, and it has never worked really well at that. This talk presents a new, better interface between Lua code and the TeX language parsing.
19-20.pdf (118kb)

Short code for a long s
Taco Hoekwater
CG Journal 2014, p. 21-22
21-22.pdf (790kb)

Lua in MetaPost
Hans Hagen
CG Journal 2014, p. 23-32
23-32.pdf (572kb)

History of Cookbooks
Taco Hoekwater
CG Journal 2014, p. 33-41
33-41.pdf (4048kb)

Workshop creating a menu-card
Taco Hoekwater & Willi Egger
CG Journal 2014, p. 42-44
abstract: The whole conference is dealing with cooking. We are also going to prepare the conference dinner together in a workshop. Of course for a decent presentation we need menu-cards. The audience is asked to cook up menu-cards with ConTeXt.
42-44.pdf (301kb)

Cooking Hot Meals
Willi Egger
CG Journal 2014, p. 45-47
abstract: Based on the theme of this year's ConTeXt meeting "ConTeXt cookery" my input was the preparation of a small cook book. It deals with the Asian kitchen which was introduced in our family through Adrian and Lieke after their return from their Asia-trip when they stayed in our house again. The presented meals are mostly simple to prepare. The cook book is made up in ConTeXt and bound by hand.
45-47.pdf (190kb)

ConTeXt-lua documents
Hans Hagen
CG Journal 2014, p. 48-103
48-103.pdf (2888kb)

Abstracts without papers
Various authors
CG Journal 2014, p. 104-105
104-105.pdf (99kb)

Participant list of the 8th ConTeXt meeting
CG Journal 2014, p. 106